Teleroute & Wtransnet: 200,000 Freight Offers a Day

In August 2018, Wtransnet became part of the Alpega Group's portfolio of services, along with Teleroute and 123Cargo. On October 18, in the framework of the WConnecta tenth edition, the group's chief operations officer for freight exchanges, Fabrice Douteaud, offered his vision on the first year of Wtransnet as part of the group.
The best collaboration network
At first, Fabrice Douteaud wanted to emphasise the importance of collaboration to make road freight transport in Europe more efficient. In this sense, the Alpega Group has been working on creating the best logistics operators and transport companies network, with over 70,000 members throughout Europe in order to carry out its mission: "Provide our customers with the best collaboration network for transport companies, being able to respond to the needs of national and international markets."
After Wtransnet was acquired, a great effort has been made to integrate the leading freight exchange in the Iberian Peninsula into the group's structure, with the least impact on customers. Furthermore, Douteaud explained that this integration has gone through the creation of a “technological bridge” between platforms capable of combining the liquidity of Teleroute and Wtransnet loads. This means that currently, users of both freight exchanges have access to 200,000 daily freight offers throughout Europe.
Intelligent tools and services
Coming soon to the group's marketplace, according to Douteaud, "is an improvement in integration, enriching each platform with the strengths of the other." This is possible by adding intelligent tools and services that help customers in their daily business activities. There is also room for progress, with several projects underway related to technological innovation for the freight exchanges "that will provide our customers with greater value, but that we cannot yet reveal."
Douteaud also analysed some market trends, pointing out the need to achieve a technology capable of communicating amongst itself and integrating to facilitate the adoption and management of users as the primary objective. In this respect, we would like to reiterate that "at Alpega Group we believe in technology as a facilitator of this collaboration and not as a substitute for personal relationships." As an example, WConnecta itself, which has become the largest transport networking event in Europe, is one of the great values that the Alpega freight exchanges bring.
The Group's main priority for the coming months will be to continue working on the construction of the best transport collaboration network: “We have the best solutions. Now we have to fit the gears together and integrate them to help our customers be more efficient and increase their business opportunities,” concludes Douteaud.