

Rimanete aggiornati sulle ultime notizie e sugli sviluppi del settore logistico. Scoprite i principali approfondimenti e aggiornamenti che hanno un impatto sulla vostra attività e sulla catena di fornitura globale. 


November 18, 2024

Tachigrafo Intelligente: come trasforma il trasporto stradale in Europa 

Scopri i vantaggi del Tachigrafo Intelligente V2 (SMT 2). Approfondisci le scadenze normative, le funzionalità avanzate e scopri come preparare la tua flotta per il futuro con Teleroute. 

November 12, 2024

Enabling business transport excellence

In a July 2024 survey of our Indago supply chain research community and Alpega customers, almost three quarters of the respondents (72%) said that integrating a large “open network” of vetted and trusted carriers with a transportation management system (TMS).

July 30, 2024

Domino Effect in Logistics: Precision and Planning

Imagine a game of dominoes. Each tile, carefully crafted and intentionally placed, contributes to a larger masterpiece, a chain reaction that culminates in the elegant collapse of every piece in a perfect sequence. Now, transpose this image onto the intricate dance of logistics.

August 5, 2024

Navigating Procurement Challenges in the European Market: Five Strategies for Success

Procurement managers in the European market are navigating an increasingly complex landscape. 

July 8, 2024

Synergies between Tendering, Transportation Management Systems, and Open Carrier Networks

Tendering and Transportation Management System (TMS) platforms are essential components in the logistics and supply chain management industry. 

July 4, 2024

Alpega and Shippeo: Boosting Logistics Visibility for Yara

Discover the secrets of Yara's increased logistics visibility and operational excellence thanks to Alpega TMS and Shippeo partnership.